Brookfield is a vibrant diverse community of 19,476 individuals supporting a variety of churches, good schools, an excellent library, low taxes, convenient transportation, and extensive parks and recreation programs. Brookfield is committed to economic development, modernizing, building, and making the neighborhood better and safer. Whether shopping, dining, or enjoying the zoo, you will find this humble village a remarkable and friendly place. A great place to live, raise a family, shop, and do business, Brookfield is truly a community in every sense of the word.
Municipal Information
Brookfield Village Hall 8820 Brookfield Ave., Brookfield IL 60513 Phone (708) 485-7344 https://brookfieldil.gov/
Police & Fire
“Brookfield Police Department 8820 Brookfield Avenue, Brookfield IL 60513
Phone: 708-485-8131 Brookfield Fire Department: 9001 Shields,Brookfiled IL 60513
Phone 708-485-0076 ”
Vehicle Stickers
“If you need to purchase a sticker, please complete the form and with the correct vehicle information and return it to the Village Hall with the appropriate fee via mail, the dropbox, or in person.
Garbage Removal
“The Village contracts with Groot Industries for the collection of garbage and recycling. All charges for garbage service are paid in advance for the upcoming two months. Yard waste charges are based on an annual fee that is divided equally throughout the year instead of increasing your bill seasonally. Residents should have two toters – one for garbage and one for recycling. If one of your toters is missing or damaged, you can request a replacement by contacting the Department of Public Works.
Included in your garbage service is the pickup of one bulk item per week for no additional charge. If you need to dispose of additional bulk items or bags of garbage that will not fit in your toter, stickers can be purchased at the Village Hall for $2.55 each. To arrange for pickup of a bulk item, or if you have additional questions about your garbage service, please contact Groot at 708-485-0900.https://www.groot.com/waste-management-chicago/village-of-brookfield”
Parks & Recreation
“Brookfield Rarks and Rec 8820 Brookfield Ave, Brookfield, IL 60513
Phone: (708) 485-7344 https://brookfieldil.gov/departments/recreation-department/”
“The mission of this department is to provide a wide range of quality, recreational, and leisure programming and events for individuals of all ages, abilities, interests, and cultures; to create the maximum quality of life while ensuring fiscal responsibility and providing unexpected value.
Public Works
Brookfield Public Works 8820 Brookfield Ave, Brookfield, IL 60513 Director of Public Works: William Brandt Phone: 708-485-2540 https://brookfieldil.gov/departments/public-works/
If you are selling your property, you can begin the process of closing your utility account by submitting an Application for Municipal Debt Satisfaction Certificate to the Finance Department with the $10 application fee at least 7 business days prior to closing. More information on the Municipal Debt Satisfaction program can be found here: https://brookfieldil.gov/departments/finance/resident-services/utility-billing/
Property tax information:
For property tax information, please refer to: https://brookfieldil.gov/departments/finance/your-property-tax-bill/
Chicago Zoological Society – Brookfield Zoo Home (czs.org)
Hollywood Citizens Association
Beautification Commission | Village of Brookfield (brookfieldil.gov)
Conservation Commission | Village of Brookfield (brookfieldil.gov)
Brookfield Chamber of Commerce
Brookfield Farmers Market – Home
Brookfiled Public Library
3541 Park Ave, Brookfield, IL 60513
Home | Brookfield Public Library (brookfieldlibrary.info)
Place of Worship
Holy Covenant MCC (hcmcc.org)
FAITH – Home (faithinbrookfield.org)
Home | Brookfield Church of Christ (faithlifesites.com)