Municipal Information
LaGrange Village Hall
53 S LaGrange Rd. LaGrange, IL 60525
Phone: 708-579-2313
Police & Fire
LaGrange Police Dept:
304 W Burlington Avenue La Grange, IL 60525
Phone: 708-579-2333
LaGrange Fire Dept.
300 W Burlington Avenue
La Grange, IL 60525
Phone: 708-579-2338
Vehicle Stickers
“Vehicle license renewal applications are mailed out during the first week of March and are due annually on April 30th. Required information to purchase a vehicle sticker includes: Personal information including the owner’s name and address
Vehicle information, such as license plate number, year, make, model, and color of vehicle. For new residents, along with any questions regarding vehicle stickers and fees please contact the Finance Department at (708) 579 to 2301. https://www.lagrangeil.gov/119/Vehicle-License-Fees
Garbage Removal
The Village’s refuse contractor is Flood Brothers. New residents may set up service by contacting them at 630-261-0400. The Village refuse collection program applies to single-family and two-family customers. Pick-up is once per week, and includes curbside collection of general refuse, recyclables, and seasonal yard waste.
For more information please refer to: https://www.villageoflagrange.com/DocumentCenter/View/2334/Flood-Brothers-Refuse-Brochure
Parks & Recreation
Recreation Center
536 East Ave LaGrange, IL 60525
Phone: 708.352.1762
Executive Director: Jenny Bechtold, CPRP
The Park District of La Grange serves a three square mile area almost contiguous with the boundaries of the beautiful west suburban Village of La Grange. The park district maintains 78.5 acres of parkland at 11 locations, and offers over 1500 recreation programs annually for its more than 15,000 residents. Their mission is to provide quality recreation programs, facilities, and parks that enhance the health, happiness and quality of life of Park District residents and program participants.
Public Works
Public Works Building
320 E Avenue LaGrange, IL 60525
Director of Public Works: Richard Colby, P.E.
Village residents are billed for water and sewer usage every other month, while commercial accounts are billed monthly. Meter readings are obtained from a smartpoint which sends radio reads directly to the Village. The smartpoint is located on the outside of the home. If you are a new resident, please contact the Finance Department at (708) 579-2301.
Moving In or Out of La Grange? Please complete the Moving Online Request Form https://www.villageoflagrange.com/DocumentCenter/View/2789/ONLINE-MOVING-IN-or-OUT-OF-LA-GRANGE-FORM-9-21, scan, and to return follow directions at the top of the form. If you have any questions regarding moving in or requesting a final bill please contact the Finance Department at 708-579-2301.
Property tax information:
53 S La Grange Road La Grange, IL 60525
Phone: 708-579-2301
Barbara Weywrick Lyons Township Assessor
Taxpayers are encouraged to file an appeal online by visiting the Board of Review website: www.cookcountyboardofreview.com. Alternatively, paper appeal forms may also be picked up at the Board of Review located at 118 N. Clark Street-Room 601 in Chicago, IL.
LaGrange Public Library
10 West Cossitt Avenue, La Grange, Illinois 60525.
(708) 215-3200
La Grange Public Library (lagrangelibrary.org)