Living in Riverside offers residents a sparse suburban feel without being too far from the city. It is filled with tree lined curved streets, historic homes and distinctive architecture. Riverside was one of the first planned communities (est. 1869) and has several defining features including curvilinear streets, ample setbacks and pastoral parkways with open lawn and naturalistic groupings of trees throughout the village. To learn more go to: https://www.riverside.il.us/162/About-Riverside
Municipal Information
Riverside Village Office:
27 Riverside Rd. Riverside, IL 60546
Phone: 708-447-2700
Hours: M-F 8am -5pm
Police & Fire
Riverside Police Dept:
31 Riverside Rd. Riverside, IL 60546
Riverside Fire Dept:
27 Riverside Rd., Riverside, IL 60546
Vehicle Stickers
How do I buy my Vehicle Stickers?
All vehicles that are housed in Riverside or have a Riverside address must have a vehicle sticker,
NEW vehicle stickers are required to be purchased and place in vehicle with in 30 days of 1) purchase of new vehicle or 2) move into the Village.
To purchase a New Vehicle sticker online go to: https://www.riverside.il.us/350/Vehicle-Stickers
Once your payment has been processed your sticker(s) will be mailed to you.
Garbage Removal
How do I set up my garbage?
The Village’s refuse contractor is Flood Brothers.
Residents may set up service by contacting them at 630-261-0400.
Residential refuse is collected once per week every Thursday.
*Please be aware there are 4 holidays throughout the year that will affect pick up. Please refer to riverside.il.us/306/Trash-Yard-Waste for further information.
Parks & Recreation
Town Hall – 3rd Floor
27 Riverside Rd, Riverside, IL 60546
Phone: 708-447-7700
Township Assessor: France Sitkiewicz, CIAO
The Parks & Recreation provides classes, activities, programs and events to the community. Online registration is through the website: https://www.riverside.il.us/DocumentCenter/View/142/Recreation-Seasonal-Brochure?bidId=
Public Works
Public Works Building
3860 Columbus Blvd. Riverside, IL 60546
Phone: 708-442-3590
Public Works and ADA Coordinator: Dan Tabb
Water utility bills are distributed on the first day of every other month and due on the 20th of the month. Setting up an utility account in a new resident’s name is accomplished automatically after the closing on a property. The seller must supply the new owner’s name for the account. Once a final water read has been made, the utility account is transferred into the new owner’s name. If a utility bill is in a renter’s name, the landlord or renter should arrange for a final water read and notify the Village of a change by phoning the Finance Department at 708-447-2700, ext. 231.
Town Assessor
Town Hall – 3rd Floor
27 Riverside Rd, Riverside, IL 60546
Phone: 708-447-7700
Township Assessor: Frances Sitkiewicz, CIAO
Riverside’s town assessor does a great job keeping taxpayers abreast of any changes as the property tax year unfolds.
Watch for announcements from the Assessor on Riverside Township’s website: riversidetownship.org and their constant contact communications.
Taxpayers with concerns or questions about their property taxes are encouraged to contact the Riverside Township Assessor’s office any time.
Public Works 3860 Columbus Boulevard
Riverside, IL 60546 Phone: 708-442-3590 Village Forester: Michael Collins
“Village in the Forest”
The Forestry Department is probably Public Work’s most visible and community oriented component. That is because the Forestry Department facilitates community involvement as a part of its mission. To learn more about the many opportunities for you to get involved, click on the links below outlining the programs the Forestry Department provides:
Tree City USA®
Tree Co-op Program
1 Burling Road
Riverside, IL 60546
Phone: 708- 442-6366 https://www.riversidelibrary.org
Restaurants & Food Service:
Travel & Transportation
Vehicles: Highway: I290 or I-55 Tollways: I-294, I-88
Commuter Rail: METRA Burlington Northern Commuter
Bus: PACE bus system Airports:
Chicago Midway / Chicago O’Hare International